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News and Updates

Armageddon Winter, Auckland 2024
Armageddon Summer, Auckland October 2023

Thanks to all those who visited our boo-th at Armageddon Summer in Auckland. It was a great long weekend, we saw a lot of familiar faces as well as met a lot of new creative people.   

Armageddon Winter, Auckland June 2023

We launched our 3D printing business at Auckland Winter Armageddon where we met heaps of creative people, we learned a lot from them and hope we offered some inspiration as well. 
















































Characters and Miniatures


Hello Creative Ones

Coming soon !

We have about One Thousand characters in many different poses for painting and Gaming that we will become available to purchase and paint soon.

From NPC’s Warriors, Wizards, Bards, Witches, War Bands, Undead, Vampires, Your Favorite Heroes and Villains and so many more. 

Due to the large number of items in this group it will some time to photograph and categorise all these items.

We may release them a few at a time or we may try and get a bulk together before releasing  everything.

They will be available in both 28 mm scale (Standard scale) and 32 mm scale ( Hero scale).

We will also make available, for those who want to create “Display models”, which can be painted. We will Print to order at 75 mm models and some by request at a larger scale.

Please be patient for this page as there is a huge amount of work to put this together and we wish to do a good job of presenting the works of some very talented 3D artists.

All Items that we sell will be under strict Merchant license agreements with the respective  Artists and Studios.


Please feel free to contact us regarding any particular characters you might be looking for and we will be happy to find an image of what we have available and get it to you.


Best regards,

The team at 3D CreatioNZ.


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